


      Dear parishioner

      Today’s Mass: FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (B)

      This Weekend we observe the World Day of Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life, which is also affectionately known as Good Shepherd Sunday. This day reminds us of our collective call to holiness through the cherished image of Christ as the Good Shepherd, as vividly depicted in the Gospel (John 10:11-18).

      Scripture frequently uses the metaphor of God as a shepherd, illustrating His guidance and protection. "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want," we read in Psalm 23, and in Isaiah, the Messiah is depicted as the caring shepherd who "will gather the lambs in his arms." These passages underscore the loving and protective role of God towards His people. In the New Testament, Jesus embodies this shepherd, promising eternal life and ensuring us that nothing can snatch us from His hand. Today we are called to reflect on how we respond to Christ’s voice, which calls us to embrace a life dedicated to faith and service. Do we recognise His voice? Are we prepared to follow Him faithfully? How do we support those called to a special ministry in ordination. Saint John Paul II often expressed, priests and religious are pivotal to the Church's mission, embodying Christ’s presence and leading the community in faith. Supporting our priests in their spiritual and practical formation is crucial, as is our commitment to praying for an increase in holy and devoted vocations. Pope Benedict XVI highlighted that the future of the Church relies significantly on our ability to foster new, enthusiastic shepherds of faith.

      In our prayers today, let us also remember Fr. Vipin, who celebrates a decade of faithful service in his priesthood this Tuesday, 23rd April. He will be presiding at the 9:30am Mass, and it would be a joy to have many of you join in celebrating this joyful occasion.

      Let us support and pray for those who have dedicated their lives to pastoral ministry, ensuring that the voice of the Good Shepherd continues to resonate through their work. As we continue our journey of faith, let us listen attentively to the Good Shepherd’s voice, inviting us to a life of service and dedication.

      The Second Collection this week is for the Priest Training Fund. This collection helps to meet the cost of training students for the priesthood and the permanent diaconate. Please use your Gift aid envelopes if you can.

      · Victoria Vickers on 22nd April, 12.00noon in Sevenoaks
      · Peter Ringham on 24th April, 11.30am in Borough Green
      · Joyce Manners on 26th April, 11.30am in Borough Green
      · Patricia Neville on 30th April, 11.00am in Sevenoaks
      · Veronica Dowling, details to follow

      Fr David is to be formally installed as a Canon of the Cathedral on Tuesday 23rd April at the Chapter Mass at 6:00pm, in St George’s Cathedral.  All parishioners are welcome to attend.

      You are invited to a Quiet Day of Reflection on Saturday 27th April 2024 at The Barn, Poult Farm, Ashes Lane, Hadlow, TN11 9QU (entrance opposite North Frith Farm) from 10.00 to 16.00.
      The day will be led by Gilly Fenner who has worked as a spiritual director for over 20 years.  Please bring a bible, a packed lunch and a change of shoes as part of the day can be spent outside.
      Suggested contribution for the day is £5. If you would like to attend please email Gilly at

      Confirmation, which most of us have received, strengthens us in the Holy Spirit, but have we truly discerned the gifts that He makes available to us in the sacrament.  For some He gives the gift of prophecy, for others the gift of healing, teaching, discernment, patience, wisdom and many more.  These gifts empower us to be more effective in responding and fulfilling our unique purpose which is His plan for our lives.  But we have free will and it is only in  exceptional cases that His will is overtly revealed – like with St Paul, Job, Jonah and some of the Saints.  For the rest of us we need to come to Him in prayerful humility seeking to discern the gifts he has given us and how we should be using them.  Life in the Spirit helps us to reflect, to better understand these charisms of the Holy Spirit – transforming our lives.  This year we have the privilege of a Hub at St Thomas, Sevenoaks 8pm to 9.30pm, on Tuesdays from 23rd April to 28th  May 2024 - retreat day Saturday 18th May. Talks delivered at the Cathedral will be live streamed. Please listen to that still small voice inside you and register to attend under St Thomas of Canterbury, Sevenoaks using the link:

      Thank you to everyone for your continued support this year. Everyone's contribution whether small or large is important. In the 2023/2024 tax year we will able to claim back from the Inland Revenue nearly £57,000. It has been boosted this year, by donations towards the refurbishment of the parish centre. It is a big part of our income and allows us to fund our four Mass centres and contribute to the diocese.
      Those who are registered as Gift Aid'ers in our Parish can now collect their boxes of weekly envelopes at the back of church. Please take your box home.
      There is small bundle of envelopes at the back of church for those who donate by standing orders. Each bundle is in an envelope with your name on it. Please find your envelope and take it. Many thanks.

      On Wednesday, 8th May 2024 2.30pm – 4.30pm there will be the first Pilgrims Group reunion following the opening of our swish new Parish Centre! A short service of prayer and thanksgiving for all you have graciously done and generously given, followed by a tasty Tea.  Come hungry! 

      CONFIRMATION 2024.
      Attention all those currently in Year 7 or above: Registration for this year’s Confirmation Programme is now open.  Please register online at A welcome meeting for parents, candidates and catechists will be held on Wednesday 22nd May 2024 from 7:30pm-9:00pm in St Thomas’ church. Closing date for registration: Tuesday 30th April 2024.

      SAVE the DATE: 21st June 2024.
      We are delighted to be able to host the world renowned choir, The Sixteen conducted by Harry Christophers, CBE, at St Thomas’, for a specially-curated gala evening concert, with poetry readings by Actors Antonia Christophers and Noel Byrne. 
      Tickets to go on sale soon:  watch the Parish website and the newsletter!

      The proceeds of the ticket sales will go to our St Thomas Parish Community projects, specifically the Most Holy Trinity, Otford.

      CHILDREN’S LITURGY WORKSHOP DAY organized by the Agency for Evangelisation and Catechesis of the Archdiocese of Southwark. The event is scheduled for Saturday, 27 April 2024 in St Thomas’ Parish Centre.  Participants will have the opportunity to share the joy of this ministry, be formed, and gain valuable insights. Booking required. More details on the Poster & the QR code.

      St Thomas of Canterbury, pray for us.
      St Joseph, pray for us.
      St Bernadette, pray for us.
      St Edith of Kemsing, pray for us.

      Fr. Peter.

      Fr Peter Kucharski, Parish Priest of Sevenoaks
      12 Granville RoadOffice
      Sevenoaks01732 454177
      TN13 1ER


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